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The main natural ability of human visual organs is the possibility of self-cleaning and moisturizing, which allows to maintain the normal composition of the membranes of the eyes without harmful bacteria. However, in a situation where a person is forced to wear contact lenses, the visual can not cope with these functions. It is in this case that Bausch & Lomb Renu MultiPlus 240 ml will be indispensable.
Antibacterial properties of Renu MultiPlus
The Bausch & Lomb Contact Lens Solution is designed to ensure perfect compatibility of any contact lens with the outer eyes and to prevent inflammation and irritation. For a noticeable effect, experts recommend regular use of solution for washing contact lenses.
Bausch & Lomb solution is multifunctional and versatile, as it is compatible with contact lenses of all models and brands. Daily eye care for eye products includes:
- Pronounced antiseptic effect;
- Quick removal of fat components;
- Normalization of natural water balance.
Range of lens care products
Renu MultiPlus solution is for the full performance of various necessary manipulations related to the use and care of contact lenses:
- To create optimal conditions for the storage of lenses;
- as an additional humidifier;
- To disinfect contact lenses after use and before fixation.
The online store offers customers a wide range of contact lenses and care products. Here you can also buy Renu MultiPlus solution at an affordable price. The company fully guarantees the safety of the eye products, as well as offers optimal prices for all ophthalmological products.