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These lenses are qualitatively superior to other lenses, which gives greater ease of wearing and improved visibility, and also allows you to save eye health. The cornea needs air to be healthy. The hydrogel MKL contains a lot of water to allow oxygen to pass through it to the surface of the eye, but silicone is used in the composition of the O2O2 material. The distinctive feature of silicone is that it is a very oxygen-resistant material, it is precisely this that allows a fairly free movement of abundant amounts of oxygen directly through the lens body. This characteristic of the silicone-hydrogel lens provides a constant flow of O2 to the cornea, allowing the eye to remain healthy. Increased O2 content provides comfort for wearing throughout the day.
When the cornea is oxygenated, the corneal epithelium remains strong, providing clear and clear vision. In the absence of O2, the epithelium may be damaged and microbial keratitis may appear. The low water content of O2O2 also allows dust, including bacteria, not to stick to the lens surface. Wearing a clean lens greatly reduces the likelihood of infection with microbes.
The O2O2 Toric is popular in the United States and Japan.
Features of the O2O2 Toric MKL:
High oxygen purification allows the eyes to stay healthy.
Elastic and hydrophilic MKL material for better comfort all day.
Rounded edge of the lens, providing subtle ease of wearing.