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Optimedservice - Eye drops Pro Active 10 ml

The Pro Active 10 ml Universal Moisturizing Eye Drops quickly remove the feeling of dryness, relieve discomfort and improve vision clarity. The product is great for holders of contact optics, as it makes wearing soft and hard lenses more safe and comfortable.

Eye drops Pro Active 10 ml: sphere and usage features

The drops provide long-term moisturizing and soothing mucosa due to the natural moisturizing factor - hyaluronic acid - in the composition. The addition of succinic acid improves the oxygen permeability of the lens, thereby extending the life of the TC considerably. Ophthalmologists recommend to buy drops for Pro Active lenses 10 ml to anyone who is often in adverse conditions:

- In a space with smoky, dry air;

- In permanently heated or air-conditioned rooms;

- In the wind, in frosty weather;

- In front of monitors and screens.

Especially drops Pro Active 10 ml are needed for beginners in the use of contact optics. The tool will help to get used to the daily wearing of lenses. To get rid of the sense of foreign body, burning in the eyes and instantly feel comfort, just a few ml of the product is enough.

Where to buy eye drops Pro Active 10 ml

The Pro Active drops from the brand Optimed are compatible with any categories of contact lenses. The composition of the product is completely hypoallergenic, so it can be used even by eyes sensitive to light and prone to irritation. You can bury good drops for Pro Active 10 ml lenses at any time throughout the day, when there is a feeling of burning or dryness, even without removing the KL.

Order eye moisturizing drops and solutions for storage of contact lenses manufacturer Optimed you can on the site Linzochki.kz. We have the most affordable prices, only original products of popular brands and fast delivery to any cities of Kazakhstan.



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Цена 3 050 тг.
Volume 10 ml
Manufacturer Оптимедсервис
Brand Pro Active
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