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The Pro Active 250 ml universal lens solution is the best support for contact optics. Together with this tool, you are not in danger of discomfort, feeling dry or inflammation of the eyes at the time of wearing lenses. The liquid contains classic cleaning and disinfecting components, as well as powerful humidifying agents - hyaluronic acid and succinic acid.
The solution for Pro Active lens 250 ml: sphere and usage features
The universal solution quickly and efficiently cleans contact lenses of fine dirt, dust and protein particles. The agent provides delicate disinfection: five hours of liquid content will be enough to completely destroy microbes and bacteria. After treatment in the solution, no further mechanical or enzyme cleaning is required.
You will no longer need moisturizing eye drops from the pharmacy and antiseptic lens treatment liquid. Just buy a solution for Pro Active lens 250 ml, because it uniquely combines the functions of all traditional means:
- oxygen saturation of soft and rigid lenses.
- KL cleaning and washing before use.
- Optical storage for any duration.
- Removal of protein deposits.
- All types of lens surface humidification.
Regular application of KL cleaning and humidification solution helps to eliminate any negative moments in contact vision correction - lens adhesion due to lack of oxygen, dryness and burning in the eyes, getting used to lenses in the adaptation period.
Where to buy lens solution Pro Active 250 ml
Decided to order a universal remedy that will easily replace drops, disinfecting and cleaning liquids? Order the moisturizing solution from the series Pro Activ brand Optimum in the online store Linzochki.kz. The agent has a safe hypoallergenic composition, and is approved by the leading ophthalmologists of the country. Only in our store you will find a favorable price for solution for Pro Active lenses 250 ml, goods in any cities of Kazakhstan and the best promotions.