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The Biomedics family offers the perfect comfort and convenience for those who wear these contact lenses. The scientific development focused on the great attention to detail and technological features in the production of this range of products that provide the user with constant comfort. Since these lenses are worn every day and for one month, the company has applied all the features of the leading Biomedics products from Cooper Vision with a very advanced and technological design, which is characterized by a finer and more convenient form of lens for customers. In the development of this lens, Cooper Vision conducted a survey among potential buyers and thus took into account all the wishes of customers.
This lens is slightly colored, has a blue shade, which can be easily seen both when putting on and when removing the lens. Biomedics 55 Evolution UV lenses provide protection against ultraviolet rays. The lens, however, cannot replace sunglasses, but is great for those who suffer from photophobia and feel irritated by sunlight.